Tuesday, 26 June 2012

Review and How to: Lush Love Lettuce Facemask!

Like many women I love to pamper myself and Lush's fresh facemasks are the ultimate luxury! After discussing with the sales assistant I opted to go for Love Lettuce a mask ideal for brightening the face and also balancing out the skins oils.


The facemask itself is made up of natural ingredients including:
Agar Agar Gel- Made from dried seaweed, this gel is softening and moisturising for both skin and hair. The gel not only softens the skin but also balances the cleansing action of the other ingredients.
Kaolin- Kaolin is a soft clay which cleanses and exfoiliates dead skin cells.
Honey- Contains nutrients and antibacterial substances to thoroughly clean the skin. Also said to lighten skin and hair.
Fullers Earth- Absorbs excess oil and dirt.
Glycerine- Has moisturising properties which softens the skin.
Almond Oil- High with Vitamin E which is nutritious for the skin.
Ground Almond Oil- Creates a gentle exfoiliator.
Ground Almonds- Ground almonds are highly effective as they are gently exfoliating. They 'polish' the skin, improving skin tone and colour.
Lavender Oil- Lavender oil is antiseptic, antibacterial, deodorising and relaxing. Its ideal for skin due to its soothing qualitites.
Chlorophyllin- Helps to balance the skin.

I am a  bit undecided about this facemask, having used other facemasks from the Freshmask range I am a bit disapointed with the result. It has undoubtedly softened my skin however there is no visible brightening effect. As for the balancing agent within the mask I think after prolonged use along with a balancing toner a result could be seen. If you are looking for a fix for balancing skin oils this mask is not the solution on its own.

The smell and texture of the product however is gorgeous and the ground almond shells really feel like they are cleansing and exfoiliating the skin. When you go to wash off the mask with water the almond shells can be worked into the skin to exfoiliate the dead skin cells. I love this part of the mask as after it has been washed off your skin does feel softer and clean.
Another great aspect of the Fresh Facemasks from Lush is that as you have to keep them refridgerated they feel cool and fresh on application!

The Fresh Facemasks are around £5.95 and should last for 3-6 applications so are such a good buy especially as they are made with such natural ingredients! If you don't think Love Lettuce is for you, Lush do a HUGE range of facemasks so call in and speak to a sales assistant they are SO helpful and you will defo find something to suit your skin type!

How to....

  1. First remove any makeup or moisturisers from your face and cleanse.
  2. Next splash your face with warm water
  3. Take your facemask and apply evenly over the skin avoiding the eye area. Really work in the mask when you apply as the almond shells will immediately start working as an exfoiliant.

  4. Leave the facemask to set for around 10 minutes and do the "Smile" test...(does it crack when you smile) If so its ready to take off.
  5. Using warm water slowly work away at the mask. Love Lettuce contains almond shells so this is a great time to use it as an exfoiliater.
  6. Once the face is clear splash with warm water again and leave to absorb.

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